Personal Pan Paradigms

Good afternoon ladies, gentlemen, and those of you who know better! I am the enchanting Artemis, and this is the first laughing craft rush! I have been absorbed in a personal project, a new highly physical job, and seasonal depression. So I haven’t posted in over a month! Time halts for no one, no matter how much ankle you show it. Summers are unpleasant, depression got me in a snare. It’s important to keep moving, even if it’s inch by inch. So without further ado, this is the Alphabet of Desire. It is a more substantial form of sigil magick. The Alphabet of Desire is a sigil language you create out of the symbolism of your own craft. It takes a lot of refinement before it settles into shape. Once it’s formed it is a very useful element to have in your craft.

To make an alphabet of desire you need multiple sigils that are things as much as the things that they describe. This is not something an inexperienced witch should focus on, because it’s a meditative sonar of your craft and the circumstances of the world you occupy. When you make a spell, what affects ripple around? Are there obstructions to certain witchy functions? Is there an alignment of circumstance and spellcraft? Magick is weird. It’s a matter of theory and practice, and both practices and theories will be refined with practice. If one hasn’t been practicing long, they would lack the information needed to make the alphabet. One can’t make bricks if they lack the clay. 

The process of making one is creating a system of unique sigils where each sigil is a mystical concept or some distinct component of magick in the world. The alphabet is a strictly personal format, so each structure will vary with each witch. Some mages may prefer a grid or a cycle to set their letters of desire (such as they are) to be arranged in. These letters are supposed to flow and work in harmony with each other, so having a set of all sets can facilitate that. One trap I found with that was that I was bending my alphabet for the grid, rather than the grid for the alphabet. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. This process requires self reflection as much as it needs any sort of magickal cleverness. A paradigm needs to function more than it needs to be pretty. You can add some glamor after it’s complete.

The joke of adding glamor after the alphabet is finished is that it’ll never be complete. Like any linguist, any anthropologist, or any of my friend’s who constantly misspeak will argue, language is fluid. Whether the fluid is dish water polluted with the corpse tongues of a thousand empires, or a resplendent solution that flows like pure quicksilver is irrelevant. The words will change over time, so too will your alphabet. The meaning may or may not be eternal, but the symbols will always change. This alphabet, for it to be such, needs to function in your life. One’s life will change, functions and letters (such as they are) will need to adapt. 

 I’ll wrap it up by giving some thoughts that helped with my alphabet’s formation. Lord and Lady know it took a while. Primary advice is this; don’t make an alphabet by itself, make consistent sigils that can eventually be linked into a system. Thinking about filling an alphabet, like making a pretty grid, will prove to be a method that doesn’t get you far. At least for me, magick is weird. Think about what forces you work with. What qualia are you trying to make appear in the world? Secondary advice, try to use it regularly. An easy way to ensure that is to make a prayer that works as a catchphrase. For example my alphabet’s first “letter” is: The world is vast and filled with secrets. The prayer for this letter is “Safe travels!” because everyone moves in their life (including crossing a grim threshold) and anything can happen. Another example is the third “letter”: Death is a companion that facilitates transformation. The prayer I use for this letter is said while I’m pouring the last sip of my coffee out, “From here to Saturn’s kitchen” because Saturn is mythologically related to death and time, and kitchens transform dead things into new things. These ideas might not mean much to you as individual statements. I do hope they illustrate the points of personal meaning and regular usage in blazing neon.

By all known laws of Chaos Magick there isn’t a single reason that the Build A Bear construction process shouldn’t count as making a magickal doll.

Chaos magick has no inherent law or creed.

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